Student and Institutional Academic Responsibilities

The student and academic institution have an underlying responsibility to each other. The academic institution prides itself on providing quality education to each student with academic and professional integrity. The commitment of the academic institution is based on academic integrity, consistency, and reciprocal student efforts. To ensure a successful experience the student must allocate sufficient time and effort to achieve academic excellence. The dedication of both student and academic institution will result in academic accomplishment.

If a student is disappointed in any aspect of the education provided in any course, such as course content, teaching effectiveness, or other academic issues, it is that student’s responsibility to promptly report the concerns in writing to the President so that the institution can address the issue while the course is on-going.  If the student fails to promptly provide written notice as soon as the serious concern arises and while the classes are still being offered in the course, so that the institution can investigate and take corrective action, if needed, then the student is barred from raising any academic, education, or other issues after the term ends.