Campus Security and Drug Abuse Policy

It is the policy of this School to maintain a drug free and alcohol free environment.  Students and staff are urged to review and abide by the School’s policy.

This School distributes information regarding drug abuse prevention and counseling. This information includes adverse affects of alcohol and drugs, drug abuse offenses and penalties, tips for preventing alcohol and drug abuse, and a listing of area drug and alcohol abuse treatment facilities.

It’s the policy of this School that any criminal acts of any nature occurring on campus should be reported to the President, and to the local law enforcement agencies. The School maintains records relating to crimes committed on campus and any property immediately adjacent to the campus.

Students and employees should also review the School’s policy regarding prevention and reporting of campus crime.  A copy of the School’s policy and crime statistics may be found on the school’s website.

Firearms of any nature, knives, clubs, brass knuckles or other weapons are strictly prohibited on campus.  Bringing any type of weapon on campus will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination from school in the case of students and termination of employment in the case of an employee.