Quality Assurance/Legal Compliance Monitoring/Audio and Video Recording Notice

This institution takes seriously its responsibility to operate in an ethical manner and in compliance with all applicable regulations and laws.  To encourage development of an institutional culture based on this key operating principle and for customer service, quality control, training, supervision, legal compliance, and other business purposes.  The institution reserves the right and all employees and students grant permission for the institution to:

  1. Monitor and/or record all internal or external communications (i.e. telephone calls, emails, texts, other electronic communications, etc.).
  2. Monitor and/or record computer and internet usage.
  3. Monitoring and recording may involve video as well as audio monitoring and recording (using electronic means or otherwise).  This may include the use of “secret shoppers” utilizing video and audio recording equipment to monitor and record specific actions in the presence of the individual involved.

This policy is applicable to all students, staff, faculty, employees or other individuals (whether or not the individual is using campus computers and/or campus telephone systems or other communications equipment) and there should be no expectation of privacy or right to privacy.  The institution may utilize its own monitoring/recording devices or may utilize a 3rd party’s services.  By enrolling in school, students grant permission for monitoring and/or recording as described in this section.  By accepting employment, employees grant permission for monitoring and/or recording as described in this section.  This policy is subject to specific local legal requirements, if any, applicable to the specific situation.