General Information

IMPORTANT NOTICE – Students are expected to read and be familiar with this catalog before they begin classes. It contains important information for attendance at this campus. The student’s and Institution’s contractual rights and responsibilities to each other are contained in the student’s enrollment agreement, arbitration agreement, and this catalog is incorporated into and is a part of the enrollment agreement. (In the event of a conflict between the enrollment agreement and this catalog, the enrollment agreement controls.) 

This catalog, the student’s enrollment agreement and arbitration agreement shall be considered the only official documents of the Institution. Brochures, advertisements or documents and/or oral statements should be considered for general informational purposes only, are subject to change with or without notice, and do not create any legally binding rights or responsibilities on the part of the Institution or the student. This catalog is current at the time of printing; however, the Institution reserves the right to make changes, additions, or deletions or to waive or change any requirement or rule, or to terminate any other campus or educational activities or services, where the administration, in its sole opinion, deems such actions to be appropriate. Attachments to this catalog (appendixes, supplements, etc.) if any, are a part of this catalog and should be referred to where pertinent. Any obligation to provide any benefits or services offered by this Institution (such as review privileges, placement assistance, etc.) shall end if the Institution terminates operation of this campus. 

This catalog is current at the time of publication. Check with the President for updated information.