Statement of Tuition and Fees

All Programs EXCEPT Practical Nursing




Education Resource Fee*


12 or more



¾ time




½ time




< ½ time




APPLICATION FEE: All students are assessed a one-time $25.00 application fee for admittance into the institution. 

Tuition and Fees for Practical Nursing


F.A. Credits


Education Resource Fee*


12 or more



¾ time




½ time




< ½ time




APPLICATION FEE: All students are assessed a one-time $25.00 application fee for admittance into the institution. 

SEAT FEE: All Practical Nursing students are assessed a seat fee of $100.00 for each enrollment at the campus.
The Seat Fee is charged per enrollment. 

*Students are charged tuition and resource fees for each term in which they attend classes, whether or not they have completed their program as scheduled, or they are continuing in another diploma/degree program or otherwise.

INDIRECT COSTS:  This statement of tuition and fees includes fees students are assessed directly, known as Direct Costs.  Students also incur Indirect Costs such as living expenses, supplies, transportation, and personal and miscellaneous costs.  An estimate of these costs can be found at:  Scroll to your campus of interest and click on the Price of Attendance link.  An estimate of these costs is also listed below.

Application Fee Waiver For Nursing Pathway Programs -- The application fee may be waived for graduates from a West Virginia Junior College or East Ohio College Campus. 

Admission Fees Waiver for Military Personnel -- In an effort to recognize and support the service of the military men and women to our country, the admissions application fee is waived for all Active Duty, Guard, Reserve and Veterans (honorably discharged) and their spouse/domestic partner or dependents. The student is still responsible to pay the seat fee (if applicable).  To qualify for this waiver, military personnel must provide proof of military service as deemed appropriate by the institution.  For certain programs, Seat Fees may be required to hold a student’s seat but will be refunded after the student starts classes in his/her first term. Ask admissions for a current list of programs in which this applies.